Online comedian of the year contest launched
£500 first prize
New act competitions are usually the bread-and-butter of the open mic comedy circuit.
Now one promoter has taken the idea to the internet, launching what’s thought to be the first nationwide hunt to find the best new online comedian of the year of the Covid-19 lockdown.
Nodding Dog Comedy, based in West Didsbury, Greater Manchester, is inviting comics with less than three years’ experience to enter its competition, with a £500 prize up for grabs.
Six heats will be streamed live on Facebook and elsewhere in July and August, with two acts from each going forward to the final in September
Nodding Dog owner Kev Rook said: ‘Covid19 has decimated the live comedy circuit with so many acts turning to performing online to ‘scratch the comedy itch.
‘While initially the standard of production and performance was often poor, acts have quickly adapted and shown incredible creativity in the content and style of their online offerings.
‘I wanted to celebrate this period, acknowledge the amazing work being done, recognise the skills needed to excel online and give newer acts a focus and opportunity to develop’.
Nodding Dog produces live, online and podcast comedy including the West Didsbury Comedy Festival,
Apply here.
Published: 2 Jun 2020