Jurassic larks
Dinosaur-themed podcst leads the week's comedy on demand
This week’s comedy on demand.
Secret Dinosaur Cult
Long-standing podcaster Sofie Hagen joins fellow comic Jodie Mitchell, an up-and-comer who was part of Edinburgh University’s Improverts troupe, for this new podcast based loosely on dinosaurs an excuse to talk about everything they’re interested in, such as sex, sexuality, body image and whether they’re good housemates, and all their enemies.
The podcast started at the Edinburgh Fringe, when Hagen was set to start a podcast recording in front of a live audience with another comedian… who cancelled on her four minutes before the show was going to start.
She explains: ‘Jodie Mitchell was there to watch the show, and I said to her, "Get up on stage NOW, we have to improvise a podcast." She agreed, and Secret Dinosaur Cult was born then and there.’
The first three episodes have been released here.
Daliso Chaponda - What The African Said
The first stand-up special from the Malawian-born Britain's Got Talent breakthrough act is newly available on subscription stand-up service NextUp. Chaponda says his comedy takes full benefit of the freedom of expression not always allowed to him in some countries he’s lived in, but adds: ‘Hopefully, laughter makes it easier than somebody just lecturing.’ Subscribers can watch here
Man In The Moon
Milos Forman’s 1999 biopic of maverick comedian Andy Kaufman, starring Jim Carrey, is now available on iPlayer here. Best known for his appearances on Taxi and Saturday Night Live, Kaufman was a troubled individual for whom the boundaries of reality and stage performance were often blurred., meaning he was frequently misunderstood, even by those closest to him.
Carrey went full Method for his role in the film, as explored in the recent Netflix documentary Jim & Andy, which is available here.
Ron White: If You Quit Listening, I'll Shut Up
Netflix may be the home of genre-expanding comedy specials such as Hannah Gadsby’s Nanette, but it’s hefty commitment to stand-up means it can cover the less progressive end of the spectrum too, as evidenced by its forthcoming series The Degenerates.
This week’s release, too, is an hour or so of dirty, offensive gags and crude stories, delivered by the 61-year-old booze-swilling comedy veteran. Hardly cutting edge, but White is an experienced purveyor of this brand of ribald humour. Watch here.
Published: 20 Oct 2018