Al Murray to host a TV pub quiz
Producers on the lookout for contestants
Al Murray is to host a new TV series set based around a pub quiz.
The comic will be joined by EastEnders and Extras star Shaun Williamson, who will play the ‘resident barman’ in the show.
It is not known which broadcaster has commissioned the show, but programme-makers Avalon TV have put out a call for teams of three from pubs across the country to take part.
Those selected will need ‘bags of trivia and a sense of humour’.
A small-scale not-for-broadcast pilot was filmed in the summer and now the first episode will be filmed The Tabernacle in Notting Hill, West London on November 7. Free tickets to the recording are available here.
Al Murray's Pub Quiz will be the third trivia-based TV show the Pub Landlord creator has hosted. He previously fronted Fact Hunt for ITV in 2005 and Al Murray's Compete For The Meat for Dave in 2011.
Potential quizzers should email pubquiz@avalon-entertainment.com for more information about taking part.
Published: 15 Oct 2018