Student award 2018: The people have spoken
People's Choice and wildcard semifinalists named
Cordelia Graham, a PGCE history student at the University of Sussex has won the People’s Choice place in the Chortle Student Comedy Award semi-finals.
A regular on the London open mic circuit, she performed in the London heat last month and scored the most votes in an online poll.
Also today we also announce 12 acts who go through as judge’s wildcard places.
A total of four comics go through from a particularly strong Bristol heat: Lulu Poppelwell, Artie Godden, Matthew Parker and Matthew Hayhurst.
And three go through from Warwick: Calum Walker, Rhiannon Shaw and Col Robbie.
Additionally, David Robinson and William Bean from the Newcastle heat, John D Foley from London; James Allen from Salford and Matt Duwell from Glasgow also make the cut.
They join all the heat winners at the semi-finals at The Bill Murray in London on May 14 (tickets) and 21 (tickets).
The final will be at the Pleasance during the Edinburgh Fringe.
Published: 3 Apr 2018