Vent boy
The best of the week's live comedy
The best of the week's live comedy
Sunday May 14
BRIGHTON: The Fringe continues...and tonight's pick is science rapper Baba Brinkman, who, with his neuroscientist wife Dr. Heather Berlin, explores the brain's basis of improvisation and comedy. Off the Top is at the Latest Music Bar.
Tuesday May 16
KINGSTON: A fundraiser at the Rose Theatre is called The Big Charity Comedy Show for a reason. Headlined by pun-loving veteran Barry Cryer, the gig also features the likes of Bob Mills, Jamali Maddix, Mitch Benn, Otiz Cannelloni and many more.
LONDON: Dizzyingly insane high-intensity character comedy from the human cartoon that is Goose, bringing his latest rollercoaster show Hydroberserker to the Soho Theatre for a week. Review
Thursday May 18
LONDON: There's enjoyable comic mix at The Funny Side of Tower Bridge, a club in the Dickins Inn, overlooking the millionaires' yachts of St Katherine's Dock. Musical comic Christian Reilly, inventive punster Glenn Moore, high-impact John Robertson and femme fatale Rachel Fairburn are all on the bill.
Friday May 19
STOURBRIDGE: Rich Hall and his musical mates – Ronnie Golden, Rob Childs, Nick Pynn and Antonio Forccionne – mash music and comedy in the occasionally touring Hoedown, visiting the Town Hall tonight..
Saturday May 20
CARDIFF: Popular with audiences, if not always with critics, mega-successful vent act Jeff Dunham, known for his Achmed the Dead Terrorist character, kicks off a seven-night UK and Ireland leg of his tour in St David's Hall.
• Search our full listings for comedy near you using the pull-down menus on the left of this page.
EDITED MAY 15: An earlier version of this page mistakenly mentioned Tape Face in the West End, although he is not there for another month. The mistake was down to an error in an automated event import.
Published: 14 May 2017