Girlfriend in a coma...
WTF: Weekly trivia file
• Got a "I know you! The comedian!" last night. It's not what you expect to hear while swinging a whip in a sex dungeon, but I'll take it.' John Robertson
• The digs comedy clubs put their acts up in are normally far from delightful. But the house where the Los Angeles Comedy Store accommodated its acts in the 1980s has just gone on sale for £2.65million. The four-bedroom house has spectacular views of the city from its many balconies, a well-appointed kitchen and loft-style ceilings - take a snoop around here. But the understated luxury is a far cry from when 8420 Cresthill Road was a drug-fuelled party house, where the likes of Andrew 'Dice' Clay, Sam Kinison, Bill Hicks. Pauly Shore and Marc Maron used to live – in lieu of actually being paid to work. The pad was owned by Pauly's mum Mitzi Shore, who owns the Store. Comics used to celebrate long into the night there after the late show, while guests who popped by included Willie Nelson, Robin Williams and Rod Stewart. In his memoirs, Goonies actor Corey Feldman recalled: 'On any given night you might find as many as 10 or 12 comedians at Cresthill, crowded around the massive oak table, in the centre of which was a mountain of cocaine. This was my introduction to the bacchanalian nature of Hollywood nightlife — half-naked women draped over fat, out-of-shape funnymen, booze and drugs flowing freely.' So for just a few million quid that history – as described in this major Buzzfeed article can be yours. The home has come on the market just weeks after the home where Richard Pryor set himself alight after days of freebasing cocaine came on the market for £2.22million
• Ned Flanders-inspired band Okilly Dokily have released their first album, Howdilly Doodilly. Here's the video for the single White Wine Spritzer:
• Doug Stanhope's long-time girlfriend went into a coma after suffering a cocaine-induced seizure as she prepared for her 40th birthday. Amy 'Bingo' Bingaman fell backwards and cracked her head open on a cement step at their home in Bisbee, Arizona. She was taken to a local hospital where she was expected to have few stitches but she was then airlifted to nearby Tucson in a coma, Stanhope kept cracking dark jokes through the incident, saying: 'Just when you thought Bingo couldn't make this party any more about her, she pulled it off.: 'Now when Bingo comes out a coma we tell her [a] series of lies that happened when she was out starting with Trump wins, making rest credible.' He also messed with her hair and got friends to pose:
.No changes. Except I fixed her hair a bit. pic.twitter.com/N8HVf2qt4F
— Doug Stanhope (@DougStanhope) November 11, 2016
When one follower asked: 'How long until you get conjugal visits?' the comic replied: 'I guess until she wakes up.' Last weekend's party went ahead anyway, with Stanhope saying: 'We don't cancel gigs.'This is rape culture when Bingo is in a coma and all these broads thinks it "cool" to be all over her. #TrumpsAmerica pic.twitter.com/3NW3guqePw
— Doug Stanhope (@DougStanhope) November 10, 2016
• Tony Robinson has admitted to pissing in the Queen's flowerbed. The Blackadder star was doing a Time Team show from the Buckingham Palace grounds when he got caught short seven minutes before a live broadcast, not giving him enough time to get to the Portaloos which were far away, hidden out of view. 'So I sprinted into the garden and there was this tiny liltte wood in the middle of it,' he confessed to Richard Herring on his Leicester Square Theatre Podcast this week. 'I hid behind a hornbeam, which has quite a wide trunk, so I knew I wouldn't be able to be seen from the Palace and i started to have a we. As I did so there was this strange buzzing noise. And I looked up and there was a camera fixed to the top of the trunk… And I find it terribly hard to have a wee when I know someone' watching.' He added that as he was finishing up there was 'a flurry and out of the bushes came a copper with a stab jacket and a big dog. He came right up to me and he leant right to the side of my head and he murmured, "I bet everyone wishes they could do that", and then he disappeared again. Listen to the podcast here.
• Ben Miller competed his 100km bike ride on Wednesday in of Movember 2016. He was riding a tandem – but solo – while his path around Surrey resembled a moustache:
• Nicola Sturgeon was serenaded by Rob Brydon at the Scottish Business Awards last night. The First Minister even snapped the moment he sang You Were Always On My Mind to her for prosperity.
Brilliant moment at Scottish Business Awards as @RobBrydon serenades @NicolaSturgeon 😂😂😂😂 pic.twitter.com/wEUCcdCJeW
— Ewen Cameron (@EwenDCameron) November 17, 2016
Irish comic Al Porter has taken to national television to reveal he takes antidepressants – just two hours after he told his mum. He said he had been ashamed to taking them, hiding them in his house and getting them prescribed under a different name – but wanted to speak out to help lose some of that stigma. 'It's changed my life,' he told RTE's Brendan O'Connor. 'I take one tiny tablet a day… that's all I needed.'
.@TheAlPorter talks about the stigma of taking anti-depressants.#CuttingEdge https://t.co/VUZxn50bTz
— Cutting Edge (@CuttingEdgeRTE) November 16, 2016
• A fan made Kevin Bridges this cake to mark his 30th birthday, complete with microphone, his dog Annie and the boat he owns on Loch Lomond:
Whit a cake! Thanks to Liz Allison from Morrison's in Kilmarnock! Belter! pic.twitter.com/iRkSTg9Qiw
— Kevin Bridges (@kevinbridges86) November 13, 2016
Tweets of the week
Swindlers' Lift. pic.twitter.com/MkwH0MXgqU
— Nasty Wooooooo!man (@Mrspricetom) November 13, 2016
I'm proofreading the official press release for the Asian remake of the Teletubbies. There's a Thai Po in it #1pun
— Harry Haller (@wolf_haller) November 15, 2016
To be fair they can't put Brexit in the dictionary until someone works out what it means. You can't just put Brexit (see Brexit)
— Richard K Herring (@Herring1967) November 16, 2016
Published: 18 Nov 2016