Simpsons follow up their Trump prediction
With a new chalkboard gag
The Simpsons acknowledged its prediction of a Donald Trump presidency in its blackboard gag last night.
In an episode from 2000, writers foresaw the tycoon's rise to power in what was then considered a joke: that in a dystopian future Lisa Simpson had taken charge of the White House, following a disastrous Trump term.
And on the episode which aired on the Fox network last night, producers added in a last-minute gag in the opening credits. As Bart writes his lines on the school chalkboard, they are revealed to say: 'Being right sucks'
The Simpsons updates its 2000 prediction of a Trump Presidency... #TheSimpsons pic.twitter.com/Myf5rYb9Dj
— The Simpsons (@TheSimpsons) November 14, 2016
After news of the prediction was revealed, Simpsons executive producer Al Jean said: 'We were surprised like a lot of people.These things are just nuts. I can't explain it. We definitely think about the future [when writing]. We're sort of like futurologists because we work so far ahead.'
Previously The Simpsons was said to have predicted the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on New York after featuring a brochure offering trips to the city for $9 a day next to the Twin Towers, which then looked like 9/11.
Published: 14 Nov 2016