Comedians dump on Trump
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Breaking The News
The first satirical swipes at President-Elect Donald Trump come from BBC Radio Scotland's topic quiz. Comedians Grainne Maguire, Erich McElroy and Keir McAllister and journalist Chitra Ramaswamy join host Des Clarke. But there's stuff about Toblerones and the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence too, just to stop you getting too depressed. Listen here.
Hard Nation
This has been described as the best political comedy podcast in the States. Mike Still and Paul Welsh play brothers who represent the left and right respectively, while guest comics play political characters in the news. Although this week's edition, perhaps advisedly, goes back to the time of Abraham Lincoln:
Michael Moore in TrumpLand
The pollsters got it wrong, but satirist filmmaker Michael Moore didn't. In a documentary he released by surprise last month he detailed how Donald Trump could win the election – as an over-35, white, angry male he understood the appeal orange-faced rabble-rouser, even though he was a Bernie Sanders supporter himself. The film's now available on All4 here
Donald Trump gained a lot of currency among his supporters for championing the 'birther' movement that claimed President Obama was not born in the US, but Kenya. In this web series from earlier this year, right-wing investigator Donald John, who describes himself as 'Obama's worst nightmare;' goes to Nairobi to prove it. This six-episode series was made by Osa Oyamendan, a Nigerian-born, Hollywood-based filmmaker.
Kathleen Madigan: Bothering Jesus
Stepping away from politics for a second to alert you to another new stand-up special for Netflix. In this one, the American comic and Last Comic Standing judge talks about growing up in Missouri and more.… Watch
Published: 12 Nov 2016