Sketch comedians...
Joe Bor releases a book of stand-up caricatures
Comedian Joe Bor has released a book of caricatures he's made of fellow stand-ups.
He spent a year sketching fellow acts backstage, including Russell Kane, Gary Delaney and I'm A Celebrity's Joel Dommett.
He then took their picture alongside the doodles, and asked them for their responses to their likenesses.
They have now been collected in a 96-page book, out on self-publishing platform Blurb as a softcover or as a PDF download.
Bor also made videos of some of his sketches for a web series that lasted just three episodes.
He also performs on the circuit as upper-class adventurer Jasper Cromwell Jones, which won him the last Old Comedian Of The Year title.
Here is a small selection of some of the images in the book:
Published: 9 Nov 2016