Brexit's worse than death...
Why Bridget Christie's scrapped her original Fringe show
Bridget Christie has scrapped her planned Edinburgh show to write about the Brexit vote instead.
The comedian says she was so shocked at the Out vote that she tore up the script for her Fringe show, Mortal, to concentrate on the political and social upheaval.
'This show WAS supposed to be about death,' she told subscribers to her newsletter. 'But then we voted to leave the EU, which is worse than death, and so I've re-written it.'
A staunch Remain supporter, she said she wouldn't stop complaining about the decision, as the Out voters would have it, but instead would be 'moaning and whinging about this until I am dead in the ground, and even when I am dead I will be moaning and whinging about this as a ghost. A feminist, remain-voting ghost.
'And when I am a ghost, I won't be putting any jokes in. Yes, yes, same as when I was alive then, yes, yes, haha.
The show will run at the Stand at her now-traditional 11am slot over the Fringe, and then transfer to London's Leicester Square Theatre, where it will be renamed Because You Demanded It to reflect the new focus.
'Because a posh man told them to, the people of the UK have voted to leave the EU, even though no-one had a plan for what would happen if it did,' the promotional blurb for the new show says. 'As a result of not having a plan, the UK has gone to shit economically, socially and politically.
'If you didn't want to leave the EU, or you did, but now don't, because everything's gone to shit, then this is absolutely the show for you. If you did want to leave the EU you will still find it funny, but for different reasons, as you witness the liberal female comedian's exasperated and despairing meltdown.'
Because You Demanded It it will run in London twice a month over the autumn, before a ten-night run in early 2017. 'I've done this so that I can update the show as events unfold,' she said. Dates and tickets.
The referendum result has also resulted in the hasty rewriting of another Fringe show, the comedy play Boris: World King.
Now its premise is since that his political ambitions lie in tatters, Boris Johnson has rocked up to Edinburgh with a p career-reviving Fringe show.
Writer Tom Crawshaw told Broadway World: 'The show is set in the absolute present, so has to be pretty reactive. The jokes and the whole story of Boris have changed in just the past few weeks. It's an exciting time.
'Our show included a fantasy future section where Britain voted to leave the EU but Boris mysteriously chose not to stand as leader.
'As satire increasingly becomes reality, some rewriting will be required. Not least because it no longer seems insane that Boris might actually stage an Edinburgh show now he has a free summer.'
Published: 12 Jul 2016