Now David Brent releases a songbook
Play along at home...
Ricky Gervais is to publish a David Brent Songbook to coincide with the summer release of his film Life On The Road.
The title, to be released by Blink Publishing, will feature all the music written by 'Brent' as well introductions by the character. Tracks will be arranged for piano, voice and guitar .
Gervais said: 'This book is a dream come true for Brent. At last, the chance to pontificate about his art and divulge the stories behind such classics as Equality Street, Native American, Lady Gypsy, Slough, and Please Don’t Make Fun Of The Disableds.
'Even though this is clearly a humour book, the sheet music is real and the songs are insanely catchy and easy to play. Go and get the guitar.'
In Life On The Road, Brent, who now works as a rep selling cleaning products while trying to pursue his dream of becoming a rock star with his band Foregone Conclusion.
The songbook will be published on August 11, eight days before the movie release.
Published: 9 Mar 2016