Amy Schumer hits back at joke thief claims
And she's ready to take a lie detector test
Amy Schumer has promised to take a lie detector test to show that she hasn’t stolen jokes.
And she promised to air the results of the polygraph on her Comedy Central sketch show Inside Amy Schumer.
She told fellow comic Jim Norton: ‘I promise whatever the results are — I won’t let them cut.’
Schumer has been plagued by direct accusations from stand-ups Wendy Liebman, Kathleen Madigan and Tammy Pescatelli.
And social media users claim she lifted material from the late Patrick O’Neil as they both talked about comic terms for odd sexual practices.
Here is a video of the allegedly stolen gags:
On Norton’s OpieRadio show, Schumer accused Pescatelli of using the controversy to try to further her own career, while insisting the other comedians had ‘backed off,’ accepting that she did not intentionally copy gags.
‘Both Kathleen and Wendy believe me. They know me, and they don’t believe that I would do that,’ she explained. ‘I think that this is like Tammy trying to get something going, I don’t know.’
‘Maybe Tammy pictured a different life for herself, a different outcome, and to see someone succeeding…
Pescatelli tweeted in response: ‘What has always been amazing to me is that she purports to be a feminist and yet only steals from other female comedians. If we call her on it we are "jealous" or career shamed. Be successful. WE want you to do well, just do it [with] your own material.’
Schumer had claimed the accusations could have been fuelled by sexism, saying: ‘People are afraid and angry at women and they want to bring women down. I just believe that. And people - not [just] men, women too.’
She said she was frustrated that her fame made it difficult to comment on the controversy until now.
‘Me saying something makes it into a big news story right now because I’m someone who they’re like, "Oh, this is entertainment news." So this will be on E! News,’ she said.
‘And it’s so hard because we’re stand-ups and its all about communicating and being heard, so to be accused of this and not be able to speak out immediately, it’s infuriating, it’s so hard because more than anything I want credibility as a comic.’
Schumer claimed she had ‘never even seen those jokes from those people’, adding: ‘The Patrice one, it’s just a sex term. It’s so crazy that people would think… I wouldn’t just take a joke from someone
She also argued that she was respected by most of the comedy community, which wouldn’t be the case if she were a joke thief – and Norton agreed. Many comedians have rallied to her defence.
‘All I care about is that people close to me and comedians respect me and so that’s the one thing…. For you If I was like "I just mugged someone"; you could forgive anything. But I don’t think comedians could forgive joke stealing.’
And he insisted she would fight back, saying: ’This will not be a part of my name. I’m not going to take this lying down.’
Here’s her full interview on OpieRadio
Published: 21 Jan 2016