Al Murray to become an MP
...in a sitcom inspired by Pub Landlord's real campaign
Al Murray could star in a sitcom in which his Pub Landlord creation becomes an MP.
A new TV show is in the pipeline, inspired by Murray's attempt to stand for Parliament in Nigel Farage's South Thanet constituency earlier this year.
Richard Hurst and James Cary, the writers of military comedy Bluestone 42, are working on the script – which was revealed by Murray's agents Richard Allen-Turner and Jon Thoday of Avalon.
The premise is that the guv’nor gets elected, then holds the balance of power in a hung Parliament with the SNP, with whom he clashes.
Allen-Turner said Murray’s stunt of standing as an MP was 'an amazing piece of satire,' adding: 'By putting a fictional character in a political scenario, the people involved didn’t know how to handle it.'
Murray gained just 318 votes in the Kent constituency, but attracted the ire of many Ukip supporters for upsetting their campaign. A documentary about his bid, The Pub Landlord v Nigel Farage: The Battle For South Thanet, aired on Dave as soon as polls closed on election night.
The Avalon bosses revealed the project in an interview with the Independent in which they lambasted the BBC, claiming it was not committed to taking risks on comedy.
'It would be great if the BBC did a satire show, but they’re nervous and satire is all about rocking the boat,' said Thoday.
He also said that Channel 4 was offered the chance for a show John Oliver but 'didn’t want it', before he went on to make Last Week Tonight, produced by Avalon's TV arm.
Published: 30 Aug 2015