Al Murray 'to sue Nigel Farage'
Libel action over Ukip chief's claims he broke election law
Al Murray is to sue Nigel Farage after the Ukip leader accused the Pub Landlord of breaking election laws.
The comedian has instructed lawyers to launch a libel action over claims Farage made in his new book, The Purple Revolution.
In it, the Ukip leader suggested The Pub Landlord – who is standing against him in the South Thanet constituency – had broken strict rules limiting the amount that can be spent on an campaigning.
He wrote of Murray's decision to throw his hat into the ring in Kent: 'It was clearly promotion for his comedy tour given that within weeks of standing he had spectacularly breached the electoral spending limit of £35,000 by taking out pricey adverts in a number of national newspapers and the London freesheet Metro. He will be blocked from standing.'
Electoral Commission rules state candidates can spend £30,700 plus 9p per registered voter (about £6,000 in South Thanet) between December 19 and March 29, plus another £8,700 and 9p per voter between then and the May 7 polling day.
An unnamed source told The Sun's political wesbite #SunNation: 'Farage has put himself onto really dodgy ground. It's a criminal offence to break Electoral Commission rules so he's in effect calling The Pub Landlord a criminal.'
A spokesperson for The Pub Landlord said: 'This is a legal matter and not something we would comment on, but I can confirm electoral commission guidelines on spending have not been broken.'
Ukip have not yet responded to a request for comment.
Here is Murray's latest election video for his FUKP party:
Published: 2 Apr 2015