Warning over dubious Fringe 'programme'
Edinburgh shows beware...
The Edinburgh Fringe has issued a warning about an unofficial 'souvenir programme' seeking to cash in on the festival.
Officials at the society which oversees the Fringe have warned producers not to be taken in by a 'misleading' email seeking advertising in the publication.
The email was sent out by publishers John Good, who produce programmes for many West End plays and regional theatres, including those run by the Ambassadors Theatre Group.
But its plans for a 'programme' for Edinburgh have organised the Fringe Society, which puts out the official guide.
In a message sent out to participants in the festival, the society said: 'It has been brought to our attention that a Coventry-based company called John Good has been in touch with many participants selling them advertising space in a "souvenir programme" for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
'The email is misleading and could be interpreted as having been sent by the Fringe Society. Please be aware that this is not the case.
'The email offer is not referring to the official Edinburgh Festival Fringe Programme created by the Fringe Society and the communication is not from us.
'Buying advertising space in this programme will not grant access to edfringe.com… Please note that any information from the Fringe Society will always come from an @edfringe.com email address.'
John Good has not replied to Chortle's request for a comment.
• Advertising bookings are now being taken for Chortle for this year's Edinburgh Fringe Click here for rates and info.
Published: 20 Mar 2015