Police probe comics' brawl | Alleged punch-up over online video

Police probe comics' brawl

Alleged punch-up over online video

Police are investigating after two American comics apparently got involved in a brawl over an internet video.

Atlanta Police are investigating Mike Epps, pictured, over claims he assaulted fellow comedian LaVar Walker outside a comedy club at the weekend.

Walker, 36, was taken to a hospital for treatment and photos show him wearing a neck brace with cuts and bruises on his face.

Trouble apparently flared after Walker posted a short video on Instragram, mocking Epps's social media feud with Kevin Hart. Walker played both comics in the clip, portraying Epps as a coke fiend and mocking Hart's short stature:

LaVar, who is a friend of Hart's, told local news that he was repeatedly struck by 43-year-old Epps, who had reportedly been waiting outside the Uptown Comedy Corner for him on Saturday night.

Epps protested his innocence in a tweet, saying: 'I wanna apologize to all my fans, for the false that's put on me right now!'

Published: 3 Jun 2014

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