Johnny Vegas vs Michael Pennington
Alter-egos collide on new video
Johnny Vegas has been interviewed by his alter-ego Michael Pennington for a video promoting his new book.
The footage – exclusively available on Chortle – uses seamless cuts to show the pair bickering about the way Becoming Johnny Vegas depicts the creation of Pennington’s stage persona.
Pennington tells his creation: ‘This is something to be really proud off; a self-penned story about how somebody like me goes on to create and alter-ego like you; not just some ghost-written bit of self-congratulation but a genuine opportunity to learn something about us.’
But Vegas fires back: ‘You made us sound like weirdos.... You’ve got more Voices In Your Head than that Band Aid video.’
Pennington insists: ‘That’s what makes it different from all the other run-of-the-mill celebrity autobiographies where you don’t learn anything more about the person that you couldn’t pick up from Wikipedia. It’s got all the comedy in there thanks to you...
‘And all the “Oh woe is me because I’m a looney” thanks to you,’ Vegas counters.
He then insists people are not so interested in the Pennington back story - which includes him going to a seminary to train to be a priest.
‘If people are so interested in OUR story, why is there no mention of Michael Pennington on the cover?, Vegas asks. ‘Because I’m the one who went out there and stormed it I’m the one that audiences that audiences loved. Im the one who conquered Edinburgh and blazed a new trail.’
Vegas then has something of a breakdown, ranting about his love for Richard and Judy and how he would like to build a granny flat at their home so he could live with them.
Here is the video:
Becoming Johnny Vegas is out now. Click here to order.
Published: 4 Oct 2013