What a Buzz!
Frank Skinner becomes a dad for the first time
Frank Skinner has become a father for the first time at the age of 55.
He revealed that his girlfriend Cath Mason, 43, gave birth to their son - who they are calling Buzz Cody - on his Absolute Radio show.
The comic said: 'I know celebrity types get condemned for giving their babies unusual names.
'So this is the name that I went for. He's called Buzz B-U-Z-Z. If you're my age, obviously he's after Buzz Aldrin, the second man on the moon. For you youngsters listening, yes, it's that puppet from Toy Story.'
Skinner once interviewed the astronaut, and as he climbed on to the stage said: 'Careful, there's just one small step...'
The comic added of his nwe son: 'His second name is Cody, as in Buffalo Bill Cody, the greatest showman of all time, so I've worked out his career... he's going to be so funny when he grows up.'
Skinner opened his show by playing Johnny Mathis’sWhen A Child Is Born, before revealing the 9lb baby was born following an 'exciting 5am drive across London' with his parter, a comedy agent, in labour.
Published: 26 May 2012