'The pharmacist were 3 drop in the bucket'
WTF: Weekly Trivia File
- ‘Whenever a more famous comedian namechecks me in an interview, I’m deliberately shit for two weeks to shake off the newcomers.’ Daniel Kitson
- Alan Carr gave Prince Harry a dirty 'bump and grind' dance while on a night out at the Arts Club in Mayfair, as David Beckham, Gok Wan and Katherine Jenkins looked on. He said: 'I was hammered. My boyfriend Paul said I was doing it proper — hand on the floor and everything. Harry said to me, "Where are your glasses?" Paul went, "Leave my boyfriend alone" and Harry went, "I’m not gay!"'
- In another example of comedians sticking it to the man, impressionist Jon Culshaw played Blake Carrington alongside Kate Moss and Kelly Brook in a spoof video for the £6million birthday bash of billionaire Topshop boss and bete noire of tax avoidance protesters, Sir Philip Green.
- A classic bit of heckler-baiting
- Mr Methane, the world’s only professional flatulist, has launched a service to offer personalized farts. He told blogger John Fleming: ‘All you have to do is fill out a form with details of the special oral greeting that you’d like me to convey and this will result in a personalised and very special video greeting from my rear end.’
- You can buy a shopping bag with Armando Iannucci's face on it. Here. ' Why does this exist?' the man himself tweeted. 'Why?'
- It wasn’t just the top comics like Jimmy Carr and Frankie Boyle who were cracking wise at the Altitude festival in the Alps last week. The guest house where the journalists were stationed provided a helpful sheet each morning, with ski conditions, local information – and a daily joke. Sadly – in keeping with the old Gerald Hoffnung routine about Tyrolean landladies – something was lost in the translation. Here’s one they supplied:
Jacob went to the pharmacy because of indigestion. The pharmacist took a medicine and a spoon…
Pharmacist: 'Where do you live?'
Jacob told him his address and the pharmacist were 3 drop in the bucket.
Pharmacist: 'Take the subway?'
Jacob: 'Yes!'
The pharmacist was also a drop in the bucket.
Pharmacist: 'On which floor do you live and where is your toilet?'
Jacob: 'On the second floor and the toilet is right next door!'
The pharmacist was also a drop in the bucket. James swallowed the medicineand the pharmacist told him to go immediately the fastest way home.
The next day, Jacob had the desire again to speak with the pharmacist…
Jacob: 'You can calculate really good architect, you should have up to half a metre, you have guessed it!'
- A couple got engaged during Stephen K Amos’s show at the Melbourne Comedy Festival this week. He got Christopher Falzon and girlfriend Melissa Portelli on stage under the pretencethat he was going to do some psychic reading – but Falzon had been in touch with the stand-up before the show, and during the banter about their relationship, he dropped to one knee and popped the question. Portelli sad yes to a huge cheer from the crowd. But a good job they didn’t try the same stunt with Daniel Kitson at the same festival, as his show contains a routine about the emotional blackmail of public proposals...
- Cute or precocious? Meet Zay-Zay, the five-year-old comedian who could be the youngest stand-up in the world, here talking about his lazy parents:
- If Frank Skinner says that if he wins the Sony radio award for best entertainment programme, he’s going to give it to his ‘rivals’ in the category – Radio Hummberside’s Beryl, 86. and Betty, 90. He said on his Absolute Radio Show: ‘If we win it I’m going to go over and say “Here, love, have this.” “What is it?” “It’s an award! It’s an award!” No, I think that’s amazing, I’m not the oldest person in that category, absolutely fantastic. .
Tweets Of The Week
@ilovepie84 (@ilovepie84): "When I'm done shitting on your car I'm going to watch your wife undress through her window" - Birds
Sebas (@OhLookBirdies): "Knock knock." "Who's there?" "Cliffhanger." "Cliffhanger who?"
Gary Delaney (@GaryDelaney): Twitter has ruined Easter for me. Now whenever I see an egg I think it's going to call me a C**t.Published: 5 Apr 2012