Adam Hills to host mass gay 'wedding'
A TV first for Australia
Comedian Adam Hills is to host Australia’s first ever mass same-sex ‘wedding’ on TV.
Gay weddings are not legal in Australia, although two bills set to be put to Parliament would allow them, if passed.
However Hills, who works in the UK for much of the year, is highlighting the issue with the mass ‘wedding’ on March 26, for which 20 couples have already signed up.
He said: ‘Same-sex couples may not be able legally marry in Australia yet, but they sure as hell can have a great big TV wedding.
‘If you’re a gay man, and you want to TV marry your male partner, you’re invited. If you’re a lesbian woman who wants to TV marry your female partner, you’re invited. If you’re transgender or bisexual and want to marry your same sex partner, you’re invited.
‘If you’re a gay man who wants to marry a lesbian woman – well, bizarrely enough that is already legal, so you don’t really need us.’
Last month Hills – who will be one of the presenters of Channel 4’s Paralympics coverage – asked the audience of his ABC talk show Adam Hills in Gordon St Tonight: ‘If you were Prime Minister for a day, what law would you change/introduce?’ The majority said they would legalise same-sex marriage.
One audience member then proposed to her girlfriend on the show. Adam offered to throw them a ‘TV wedding’ which has been extended to the current idea.
Among those supporting the idea is Stephen Fry, who sent this video message:
Published: 7 Mar 2012