BBC Three picks up Russell Kane series
Showcase for emerging talent
Russell Kane is to host a new live comedy show for BBC Three showcasing the best of circuit comedy.
Live at the Electric – which piloted by last month – has now been commissioned by the BBC Three to fill eight half-hour slots.
Acts featured in the trial episode included Joe Wilkinson, Roisin Conaty and Nick Helm, plus sketch groups Lady Garden and Jigsaw.
BBC Three controller Zai Bennett said: ‘Our ambition for Live At The Electric is to give emerging talent a new home where they can really experiment with characters and comedy.
‘We hope this show will be an incubator for the stars of the future, as well as being a brilliantly funny watch in its own right.’
Makers Avalon beat an in-house pitch from the BBC’s comedy department – made by Stephen K Amos Show producer Simon London – to win the commission.
Richard Allen-Turner, joint managing Director of Avalon Television, said: 'Our ambition is to create an environment on screen that accurately reflects the often unseen variety and depth of the UK comedy scene.'
I’m really delighted that we’ll be offering a range of exciting new artists who are experimenting comedically with film, music and sketch a new home where these ideas can be nurtured and developed for the first time on TV.'
The news comes the day after BBC Three axed its puppet sitcom Mongrels to make way for new shows.
Published: 19 Jan 2012