Piss in a pensioner's mouth for a ticket...
WTF: Weekly Trivia File
- Kevin Bridges says his favourite heckle was being called a 'porridge goblin' in Lancaster.
- Doug Stanhope received an email from a fan last week which he says explains exactly why he enjoys stand-up so much. The message, from ‘Starlight’ read: ‘I'm coming out to see you in Scottsdale next month. Hubby and I live in NM and we'll be driving our RV. It looks funky so I've attached a picture. I'm a sex worker and for your show last year in Denver I dressed up a sissy in lingerie to pay for the trip. This time around I pissed in an old man's mouth to fund the RV to come to AZ. It seems appropriate to come see your act.’
- Prince Charles is no fan of Russell Brand's look. He apparently told Prince Harry: 'It's the hair – it's like something could live in there.'
- John Cleese was given a lift home by police earlier this week, after he was mobbed by fans outside London’s Old Vic theatre. His car didn’t show up, so ended up surrounded by autograph-hunters and paparazzi which, his spokesman said ‘started to get a bit out of control’. A police car pulled up to find out what was happening, and then offered to give him a lift home.
- World's worst Jimmy Carr impression:
- Robert Webb is pre-empting a backlash for his new Channel 4 internet-inspired show that starts tonight, warning fans in advance: ‘Can I just say that although Robert's Web is fab, not everything is instantly as good as a beloved sitcom that's been with us for seven years...’
- Sean Lock says Twitter is ‘a medium for comedians to get rid of shoddy, half-baked ideas that wouldn’t make it into a comedy set… it’s for sad, needy people who should have a word with themselves’. He added: ‘There’s something very macho about that – about how many followers you have. Jesus had followers but he had something important to say, not: ‘Had a bath, watched Sex And The City.’ It’s not healthy. All these people who are receiving your messages – sitting at bus stops, or at home with the family – they’re not engaged with the world, they’re checking their fucking phone and you’re just adding to that white noise of bullshit.’
- A public service for republicans – here’s a list of comedy shows you could go to on the Royal Wedding day in the hope of avoiding all the hoo-hah: Jason Manford at Buxton Opera House, Tim Vine at Bath Pavilion, Mark Thomas at Warwick Arts Centre; Simon Munnery at Midlands Arts Centre or Ed Byrne at Aberdeen Exhibition Centre.
- Dara O Briain wanted to call his current DVD Craic Dealer – but a 'major retailer' blocked it for fear it would genuinely promote crack dealing.
- Tweets of the week:
Viz Top Tips (@VizTopTips): PARENTS. Save money on presents this year by simply telling your children Father Christmas doesn't exist & to grow up.
Kevin Cecil (@kevcecil) : Save money on Kindles by copying out a page from a book on an Etch A Sketch before going to work.
Gary Delaney (@GaryDelaney): As a child I was forced to exercise by my father, who in turn was forced to exercise by his father. I only hope that I can break the cycle.
SOURCES: News Of The World, DougStanhope.com, Metro, Daily Mail, YouTube, Twitter, Metro, Daily Telegraph, Twitter
Published: 26 Nov 2010