C-bomb explodes. Few hurt
Alan Carr swears shocker
Alan Carr has attracted just 11 complaints after using the c-word on this chat show.
A handful of viewers complained after he swore during an interview with actor and musician Jared Leto on Sunday night.
On the show’s official Twitter feed, an insider wrote: ‘Sorry - there was a warning before the show! I think that's it for swearing now.’
The Hollywood star used the phrase ‘fucking amazing’ before catching himself and asking if he could swear.
Carr replied: ‘You can swear - you can even say cunt.’
The Chatty Man show attracts around 1.5million viewers, so only 0.00073 per cent of them were moved enough to complain. It airs at 10pm, an hour after the watershed.
Meanwhile, a vandal has stolen the glasses off of ‘Alion Carr’ – the fibreglass lion made in the comedian’s likeness and installed outside Boots in Northampton town centre. Carr joked: ‘They need two people to steal the teeth.’
Published: 22 Jul 2010