J.Lo tries stand-up
Singer does chat-show monologue
Jennifer Lopez has turned her hand to stand-up.
The diva performed the opening monologue for namesake George Lopez on his late-night chat show on Monday.
Her gags on the TBS channel were greeted with rapturous applause and deafening whoops and hollers – though any laughs were drowned out by the adulation.
Jokes included a quip about the shake-up at NBC, where Conan O’Brien is being dumped from the Tonight Show after an experiment to move former host Jay Leno to a primetime slot failed.
‘Welcome to Lopez Tonight,’ J.Lo said. ‘Where nobody gets fired, they just get replaced by a bigger star with the same last name.
And she joked about male prostitution: ‘Ladies, a little tip. You don't have to pay for sex,’ she said. ‘You want a little, all you have to say are those two little words: “I'm drunk.” And it's on, and it's free!’
The other Lopez, who is no relation, took over the rest of the show.
Here she is in action – but note that it takes the excitable audience about 90 seconds to calm down enough to allow her to begin the monologue:
Published: 19 Jan 2010