Brand for mayor
Russell's bid for power
Russell Brand says he will stand for London mayor – if he can attract a million online signatures.The comic will support the Brand Spanking New London Party, which was set up by eccentric ‘Rainbow’ George Weiss.
Its policy is to create a leisure-based, cashless economy for London, with Hampstead – where both Weiss and Brand live – as its capital.
Weiss used to be Peter Cook’s neighbour and has previously launched such parties as Make Politicians History and the What Party.
He had been seeking a figurehead for his latest movement, and unilaterally decided Brand would be the perfect candidate to stand against Ken Livingstone and Boris Johnson
He said: ‘I was hoping Peter Cook would take this role, but sadly he passed away, and I want to ask Russell to take up the mantle. I know he has a shine to Peter in his home.’
But Brand told listeners his Radio 2 show ‘I’m not going to stand unless I win’ – hence the online petition.
He said: ‘If you want to run this city you have got to be serious. I am only going to start a revolution if it is a proper one, not based on alchemy and vouchers.’
As of last night, his appeal at had attracted just over 800 signatures.
Published: 21 Oct 2007