It's the business
Film crew follows comedy agent
Comedy agent Ian Franklin is to be the subject of a fly-on-the wall documentary.
A BBC documentary crew is following him for two months to give an insight into the business behind stand-up.
As well as representing a handful of circuit acts, including Rudi Lickwood, John Ryan and Chambers & Nettleton, Franklin runs 20 venues across the UK.
The crew are currently about halfway through filming.
Franklin, whose company The Comedy Club is now in its tenth year, said: ‘At first I didn’t know whether I could handle the cameras intruding into every aspect of my life.
‘If you ever get blasé about this business, take a look at it from the outside. It certainly has its ups and downs but I have now realised what a buzzing, exciting environment it really can be.’
The programme, A Funny Business, will be screened as part of BBC3’s documentary series Welcome To Our World in May.
It is being made by Dai4 Films, which has made documentaries on everything from the Spice Girls to the volcano on Montserrat.
Published: 21 Mar 2006