2002 News
All the latest news about comedy and comedians: stand-up, TV sitcoms and sketch shows, comedy movies, etc…
Thu 30 May 2002

Wittiest person alive
30/05/2002 … Linda Smith has been named wittiest living person - beating Stephen Fry to the title.

Unholy row
Banzai rapped for mocking faith
30/05/2002 … TV watchdogs have rapped Banzai for a stunt showing a choirboy stuffing communion wafers into his mouth.
Wed 29 May 2002

Singing Carrott
29/05/2002 … Jasper Carrott is to make his debut in a West End musical.

Film work for Idle hands
29/05/2002 … Eric Idle is to direct his first movie - a parody of period dramas.

Here lies Jeffrey Archer...
TV satire to lampoon shamed peer
29/05/2002 … The BBC is to make a satirical film lampooning Jeffrey Archer.
Tue 28 May 2002

Comic strip
Frank's pants in cancer campaign
28/05/2002 … Frank Skinner will be seen in only his underpants for a new cancer campaign.

Good impression
Culshaw lands chat show series
28/05/2002 … Impressionist Jon Culshaw has landed a series of Alter Ego.