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Tue 25 November 2008

Thu 20 November 2008

Paddy McGuinness Q&A |

Paddy McGuinness Q&A

20/11/2008 … How did you get started in comedy? I did a few open spots pre-Phoenix Nights but decided not being able to eat for days before the gig, due to nerves, was not worth…

Mon 17 November 2008

Mon 10 November 2008

Tim Vine Q&A |

Tim Vine Q&A

10/11/2008 … How did you get started in comedy? I started at school writing silly plays when I was 12 and giving myself the starring role.

Tue 04 November 2008

Mon 20 October 2008

Roseanne Barr Q&A |

Roseanne Barr Q&A

20/10/2008 … Roseanne Barr is coming to London's Leicester Square Theatre this Tuesday and Wednesday.

Tue 14 October 2008

Mon 13 October 2008

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