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Sun 22 March 2009

The saviour of ITV sitcoms?
22/03/2009 … Frank Skinner is struggling to remember the last ITV sitcom he really enjoyed.

The Family Guy guy
Seth McFarlane discusses his creation
22/03/2009 … nimated comedy Family Guy was brought back from its cancellation after network executives saw the impressive DVD sales of previous series that had performed disappointingly…

The key to serious acting? Snot and dribble
How Sally Phillips learned to forget her comedy instincts
22/03/2009 … As one third of the Smack The Pony team, Sally Phillips is known for her broad comedy, cruel parodies and over-the-top physical gags.

Silly Runt
22/03/2009 … Animated comedy Rex The Runt was inspired by the most unlikely of sources - grot.

Rory's fears over the Middle East
22/03/2009 … Saddam's regime may have been toppled along with his statue, Iraq's problems are far from over, as Rory Bremner - along with his partners-in-satire Johns Bird and…

Gloria in excelsi
Melvyn Hayes enjoyed his latest role
22/03/2009 … Johhny Vaughan is hoping to make the leap from likeable blokeish presenter to serious comedy writer with his new shpw 'orrible - in whicaMelvyn Hayes, who carved…

Here's Johnny come lately
How Vaughan's hoping to make the move into comedy
22/03/2009 … Johhny Vaughan is hoping to make the leap from likeable blokeish presenter to serious comedy writer with his new shpw 'orrible - in which he also plays the anti-hero,…