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Interviews with comedians, comedy reviews, Perfect Playlists and other comedy features, all collected in one place.
Fri 10 August 2012

Thu 09 August 2012

Jack Lemmon stole my career!
Hal Cruttenden's comedy choices
09/08/2012 … Some Like it Hot This movie is the first black and white film that I remember truly loving.
Wed 08 August 2012

From Bill Hicks to Joyce Grenfell
Steve Gribbin picks his comedy favourites
08/08/2012 … Right Said Fred by Bernard CribbinsNotwithstanding the comedy cognoscenti’s habitual condescending sneer, the comedy song can be a wonderful thing, none more so…
Tue 07 August 2012

'Your instinct is usually to run away from clichés, but here you embrace it'
Charlie Brooker on A Touch Of Cloth
07/08/2012 … Imagine a new show from Charlie Brooker, and your probably think of something incredibly intense: the man himself ranting passionately at the inanity of TV news,…

'It's a strange choice...'
Carl Donnelly on what makes him laugh
07/08/2012 … Question TimeA strange choice for a >list of things that make me laugh but there is nothing I like more than seeing politicians fighting over rounds of applause.
Mon 06 August 2012

'I knew them when they were shit'
Al Pitcher on his comedy favourites
06/08/2012 … An Audience With Billy Connolly, 1985This was the first time I ever knew stand up comedy existed.
Sun 05 August 2012

Look at iiiiiiiiiiit
Peacock & Gamble's comedy favourites
05/08/2012 … Cannon & Ball: The Trumpet RoutineRAY: Whenever anyone asks us who we consider ourselves to be closest to as an act we will always answer Cannon & Ball.
Sat 04 August 2012

It made me a desperate Scientologist of feminism.
Felicity Ward on her comedy favourties
04/08/2012 … In no particular order.