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Wed 24 July 2013

Tue 23 July 2013

'I think we secretly want to be the Marx Brothers'
As their BBC sitcom starts, Pappy's choose their comedy favourites
23/07/2013 … The Marx Brothers in Duck SoupBEN: We grew up watching the Marx Brothers.
Mon 22 July 2013

Royal baby jokes
Topical! Some of the best online videos
22/07/2013 … From Saturday Night Live back in December:Haiste andLawrence do their hip-hop baby rap as Kate and William:Comedy Central haven’t missed a trick in using the royal…

Fri 19 July 2013

5. You're punbelievable!
19/07/2013 … Contrived wordplay doesn’t seem to be in vogue this year, but never fear, there are enough punny titles for us to compile a top ten – for better or for worse.
Thu 18 July 2013

4. YouTube heroes
18/07/2013 … Ten Edinburgh performers with a strong online following:1.