'The most despicable thoughts could make you explode with laughter'
Phil Wang chooses his comedy favourites
04/08/2015 … I had a lot of fun collecting this list.
Interviews with comedians, comedy reviews, Perfect Playlists and other comedy features, all collected in one place.
Phil Wang chooses his comedy favourites
04/08/2015 … I had a lot of fun collecting this list.
The very first programme at the Gilded Balloon
04/08/2015 … Compared to some Edinburgh Fringe venues, it didn't originally look like all that much: A solitary studio theatre housing just seven shows a day, run by a part-time…
Angela Barnes chooses her Perfect Playlist
03/08/2015 … Linda Smith on The News QuizHearing Linda Smith on the News Quiz on Radio 4 was the first time I realised that there might be a space in that world for someone…
03/08/2015 … 10 things I’ll promise to do at the Fringe, but won’t 1.
03/08/2015 … 10 shows in the theatre section 10 circuit stalwarts 10 Australian comics 10 comics who went to clown school 10 comics talking health problems 10 comedians…
Comedians who have already scooped accolades
31/07/2015 … It surely says something about the number of comedy awards that there are more than 100 winners of something-or-other at the Fringe this year.
Limmy talks to Paul Whitelaw about finding an outlet for his madness
30/07/2015 … There is no escape.
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