Latest Features
Interviews with comedians, comedy reviews, Perfect Playlists and other comedy features, all collected in one place.
Mon 24 August 2015

Sun 23 August 2015

'The greatest TV show ever made'
John Osborne chooses his comedy favourites
23/08/2015 … Early DoorsI watched the first series of Early Doors with my housemates at university and it was our favourite show.

Sat 22 August 2015

Great Danes
Sofie Hagen chooses her comedy favourites from her homeland
22/08/2015 … Understanding Danish humour can be difficult - at least, that is what Danish people would like to think.

Ten sure signs a comedian has lost her mind
Jessica Fostekew's sanity test
22/08/2015 … 1) They believe that any of this actually really matters.
Fri 21 August 2015

The energy, the sweat, the adrenalin...
Steve Hall chooses his Perfect Playlist
21/08/2015 … As is becoming something of a Perfect Playlist mantra, there's loads of things I love that have already been covered - It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Norm MacDonald,…

Thu 20 August 2015

Proof that kids are better than adults..
Yve Blake chooses her Perfect Playlist
20/08/2015 … Flight of the Concords: Feel InsideI think my life splits into before I saw this and afterwards.