A disCERNing crowd
Pierre Novellie recalls his Unforgettable Five gigs
20/08/2017 … Best gigThis is a first-place tie, I’m afraid, between the following gigs.
Interviews with comedians, comedy reviews, Perfect Playlists and other comedy features, all collected in one place.
Pierre Novellie recalls his Unforgettable Five gigs
20/08/2017 … Best gigThis is a first-place tie, I’m afraid, between the following gigs.
Now it's Edinburgh Fringe comedians turn to dole out their opinions
20/08/2017 … Bear in mind we asked this question BEFORE the Fringe, so opinions might have changed now the reviews have come in! They're hit and miss, some are really…
George Rigden picks his Perfect Playlist
20/08/2017 … I've been unhealthily obsessed with comedy for as long as I can remember, both as a viewer and a performer (as a kid I was the absolute worst).
Thunderbards recall their Unforgettable Five gigs
19/08/2017 … Thunderbards are Glenn Moore and Matt Stevens.
Comedians recall their peculiar donations
19/08/2017 … A guy gave me a packet of bolts once.
Sajeela Kershi picks her Perfect Playlist
19/08/2017 … Jeez, this playlist is harder than it first appeared.
Abi Roberts recalls her Unforgettable Five
18/08/2017 … First gig My first stand-up gig was in a room of other comics in a room above a pub in North London.
Fringe comedians mull an alternative universe...
18/08/2017 … Staring at my social media feeds with hate-filled eyes as my friends enjoy all that Edinburgh has to offer.
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