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Interviews with comedians, comedy reviews, Perfect Playlists and other comedy features, all collected in one place.
Sat 04 August 2018

Fri 03 August 2018

Benedict Cumberbatch stole my act... literally!
The Big Ask: Who is the best person you've met at the Fringe
03/08/2018 … The man who brought me chocolates to my show last year.

I took the biggest risk... and got my biggest laugh
Ari Shaffir recalls his most memorable gigs
03/08/2018 … First gigI decided to try stand-up when I was at university.

'Smart people who prioritise joy and silliness'
Heidi Regan picks her comedy favourites
03/08/2018 … Narrowing down all comedy to just six favourites has been the most unreasonable request of my life.
Thu 02 August 2018

'It was just a head slowly appearing then disappearing out of a large bin'
The big ask: What is the weirdest Fringe show you have ever seen?
02/08/2018 … I was in a lunchtime show with five senior citizens.

A punter started fighting me to prove I wasn't blind
Chris McCausland recalls his most memorable gigs
02/08/2018 … Strangest audience member Probably the bloke who tried to punch me to prove that I wasn't blind.

'I wish I could have seen the gigs where this routine failed'
The Pin pick their Perfect Playlist of comedy favourties
02/08/2018 … Why Bother? Prisoner of warAlexander Owen: Two masters from different eras riff in surprising and joyous harmony, with Chris Morris the interviewer and Peter Cook…
Wed 01 August 2018

'We ended up sleeping in our 6ft vagina'
The Big Ask: What's the weirdest prop you've had?
01/08/2018 … When I was 21, my improv group got asked to film a 'dirty' sketch for a dodgy production company.