2015 Features
Interviews with comedians, comedy reviews, Perfect Playlists and other comedy features, all collected in one place.
Sun 30 August 2015

Fri 28 August 2015

'I wish Put A Dick In Her Ear was a real song...'
Baba Brinkman chooses his comedy favourties
28/08/2015 … Jon Stewart's political ju-jitsuThe best comedy skewers hypocrisy mercilessly and no one is better at turning up the heat on hypocrisy mongers at Fox News than Jon…
Thu 27 August 2015

'It's better NOT to get discovered early'
Comics share their experience in exclusive book extract
27/08/2015 … For their new book, Off The Mic, Deborah Frances-White and Marsha Shandur interviewed scores of comedians including Eddie Izzard, Sarah Millican, Jim Jeffreies,…

Wed 26 August 2015

'Being on stage is the most cathartic place'
Interview with Misery Loves Comedy director Kevin Pollack
26/08/2015 … 'It's why I'm on Twitter not Facebook.

Ten songs to soundtrack your Fringe
26/08/2015 … Hey guys can you believe it I've made a listicle! Let it never be said that I didn't contribute to the D3AtH oF JoUrNaL15m!Here are ten songs to soundtrack your…