2014 Features
Interviews with comedians, comedy reviews, Perfect Playlists and other comedy features, all collected in one place.
Mon 30 June 2014

Thu 26 June 2014

'I'd rather be watching Antiques Roadshow with a slice of Battenberg'
Terry Mynott on whether his TV show Mimics real life...
26/06/2014 … As The Mimic, Channel 4's comedy-drama about a down-at-heel man with a talent for impressions, returns for a second series next month, star Terry Mynott speaks about…
Tue 17 June 2014

What Ja'ime and Jonah did next
Win Chris Lilley comedies on DVD
17/06/2014 … Chris Lilley's comedy series Ja’mie: Private School Girl and Jonah From Tonga have both been released this week – and we have signed copies to give away.

Katy Wix's comic monologues
17/06/2014 … Comedy writer and actor Katy Wix, of Not Going Out and Channel 4’s Anna & Katy Show fame, has just released The Oberon Book of Comic Monologues for Women, a…
Mon 16 June 2014

Study the art of comedy
16/06/2014 … Portraits of comedians have gone on display at a Welsh gallery.
Mon 09 June 2014

The many faces of Rik Mayall
09/06/2014 … Kevin TurveyLiveFrom 1981Rik in the Young OnesRichard Rich in Filthy Rich & CatflapRichie in BottomInterviewed by David Letterman for Drop Dead FredLord FlashheartAlan…
Tue 03 June 2014

'I had no idea comedy could elicit that kind of response'
Mae Martin chooses her comedy favourites
03/06/2014 … Kids In The HallWhen I was about 12 my Mum took me to see the Canadian sketch-troupe Kids In The Hall do a live reunion show in Toronto.