Anchorman 2: The best quotes
10 Ron Burgundy lines from the new movie
• ‘I’m going to do the thing that God put Rod Burgundy on this Earth to do: Have salon quality hair and read the news.’
• ’When you’ve got an ass like the North Star, wise men are going to follow it.’
•‘Who the hell is Julius Caesar? You know I don’t follow the NBA.’
•‘By the hymen of Olivia Newton John!’
•‘Oh my God, he’s absolutely magnificent. I bet his poop smells like sandalwood.’
•‘Black. Black. Blaaaack.’
•‘Well, now we know, guys – you can’t smoke crack on live television’
•‘I’m not trying to be funny. But are you sure he’s not a midget with a learning disability?’
•‘You realise you are talking to a man who just this morning tried to brush his teeth with a live lobster?’
•‘Hey gang, now what would make this great day even better? Perms for everyone!’
• Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues is in cinemas from Wednesday.
Published: 16 Dec 2013