Latest Opinions
Chortle's Opinions section is an arena for fans to share their views on any aspect of comedy.
We invite general comment pieces about particular aspects of the comedy scene (although reviews of individual shows or performers tend not to be suited to this section except in very rare circumstances). Contributions should be at least 500 words in length, in a similar tone to something you might read in a broadsheet newspaper, and emailed to steve@chortle.co.uk
We reserve the right to edit pieces – although we will be careful not to change the meaning of anything – or not to use them at all. By submitting an article you grant Chortle indefinite licence to use it freely; though you retain the copyright on it to use it elsewhere.
Tue 19 February 2013

Sun 17 February 2013

There's more to life than comedy
Jake Lambert wonders if comics always realise this
17/02/2013 … Last week I made a trip to a comedy club in London, as I tend to do quite often when I'm not gigging myself.
Thu 14 February 2013

News you can use...
Here’s Dave Cohen with the latest about topical comedy
14/02/2013 … Watching comedy on TV, and witnessing the procession of tight-jeaned fresh-faced youthful chaps wandering from panel show via stand-up showcase to all reality progs…

I don't need to watch Ricky Gervais to know I hate him...
Mrs Mountable knows her mind...
14/02/2013 … The so-called comedian Ricky Gervais, who I'm told is constantly mocking wheelchair bound ‘people’ is at it again with a new documentary series called Derek,…
Wed 13 February 2013

Won't anyone take my comedy seriously?
Tony Lyall on his first ventures into London open mics
13/02/2013 … At my high school, the room you were sent to if you played up in class has posters on the walls; each with some nature picture, with a motivational quote superimposed…
Mon 11 February 2013

I woz robbed!
Nathan Cassidy on being a victim of Twitter joke theft
11/02/2013 … I was eating some garlic bread the other day and while pondering its inherent ridiculousness something happened on Twitter.
Thu 07 February 2013

Knocking Oxbridge: The biggest taboo in comedy
Why isn't the elitism mocked? asks Liam Mullone
07/02/2013 … A year ago, Elly Nowell declined her place at Oxford University by writing it a rejection letter.