2012 Opinions
Chortle's Opinions section is an arena for fans to share their views on any aspect of comedy.
We invite general comment pieces about particular aspects of the comedy scene (although reviews of individual shows or performers tend not to be suited to this section except in very rare circumstances). Contributions should be at least 500 words in length, in a similar tone to something you might read in a broadsheet newspaper, and emailed to steve@chortle.co.uk
We reserve the right to edit pieces – although we will be careful not to change the meaning of anything – or not to use them at all. By submitting an article you grant Chortle indefinite licence to use it freely; though you retain the copyright on it to use it elsewhere.
Tue 21 August 2012

Sun 19 August 2012

Of course you can do comedy about rape
Just make sure the context is right, says Taylor Glenn
19/08/2012 … For eight years before becoming a stand-up comic, I was a psychotherapist.

Stewart Lee's bringing rap feuds to stand-up
Geoff ‘G-Dizzle’ Norcott on how comedy's going hip-hop
19/08/2012 … I’ve just got to the Fringe for a week of my show, and enjoying the benefits of this low commitment approach – including the advantage of knowing a bit about…
Sat 18 August 2012

Secrets of The Loft
Steve Shanyaski breaks his 'no drinking' rule
18/08/2012 … When I loaded up my car to breaking point, the day of my arrival in Edinburgh – D-day – I had all the rules in place in my mind needed to survive a month at…
Fri 17 August 2012

High on live
Nothing beats the thrill of the moment, says David Allison
17/08/2012 … The nation is currently mourning the passing of the London 2012 Olympics, the largest live event ever to grace our shores.

Second time lucky
Jorik Mol on why Fringe audiences love reprised shows
17/08/2012 … There has been a lot of speculation about audiences at this year's Fringe and the reasons why a lot of shows are embarrassingly under-attended.
Thu 16 August 2012

'Edinburgh' is not just for August...
Murray Porter's local advice for international comics at the Fringe
16/08/2012 … When I first started coming to the Fringe, Steve Coogan had just won the main prize, Harry Hill was best newcomer and Bill Hicks was still touring.

Pigeons are ruining the Fringe...
Ashley Frieze says comics are quick to blame anyone but themselves
16/08/2012 … I’ve read a lot of articles recently where people are claiming that one thing or another is ruining the Fringe or the comedy industry at large.