Titter over Twitter
Networking site's first comedy night...
Mark Watson, Pappy's Fun Club and Matt Kirshen are among the comedians who will distribute their jokes in a series of 140-character Tweets at a pre-arranged time.
Even Mitch Benn – who has used his regular slots on Radio 4’s Now Show to boost the number of fans who follow him on Twitter – will try to compress his musical act into the brief text updates allowed by the social-networking service.
Punters will even be allowed to heckle by sending their own Tweets to the comic on ‘stage’. Organiser Tiernan Douieb, who is also compering the virtual gig, says: ‘They might respond, they might not. Just like real heckling.’
The show will take place at 8pm on June 8, and all the acts will use the hashtag #twitcom to identify their material. To join the audience, simply follow that tag – or the Twitter streams of the acts, listed below.
The gig also has its own Twitter account @tweetcomedyclub
Each of the comedians will spend ten minutes Twittering their acts. The full line-up is:
- Mark Watson - @watsoncomedian
- Pappy's Fun Club - @PappysFunClub
- Mitch Benn - @MitchBenn
- Matt Kirshen - @mattkirshen
- Rob Heeney - @robheeney
- Carl Donnelly - @carldonnelly
- Terry Saunders - @terrysaunders
- Gary Delaney - @garydelaney
- Tiernan Douieb - @TiernanDouieb
You can also get Chortle newsheadlines via Twitter @chortle
Published: 9 May 2009
Past Shows
We do not currently hold contact details for Rob Heeney's agent. If you are a comic or agent wanting your details to appear here, for a one-off fee of £59, email steve@chortle.co.uk.