Richard Bowen at the FHM Search For A Stand-Up Hero final
Note: This review is from 2009
Review by Steve Bennett
Rookie Richard Bowen’s selection of punny one-liners – delivered with the unforgiving deadpan many an unconfident newcomer adopts – are decidedly hit and miss, even over a relatively short routine. There are a small handful of top-notch puns, including one very impressive callback joke, but diluted with an awful lot of filler and the odd over-complicated routine.
He also has to learn to leave some of the gags to the audience’s imagination – several times he redundantly adds a punchline to a joke everyone had already got; deadening the impact.
Published: 24 Nov 2009
Richard Bowen at the 2009 So You Think You're Funny Final
Newcomer Richard Bowen has an incredibly deadpan stance,…