Sun 01 January 2006

Tom Gleeson: Non-Stop Tom
01/01/2006 … Tom Gleeson is clearly an above-average comedian, with a relaxed, genial style and a quick mind able to produce a decent line for every eventuality.

Jason Byrne: Out Of The Box
01/01/2006 … Judging by his stage act, Jason Byrne lives his life in a perpetual state of agitated incredulity.

Andy Muirhead Is... Perky?
01/01/2006 … For the starting point of his festival show, Andy Muirhead has taken one adjective assigned to him in a review: perky.

Courteney Hocking's Foolish Ideas and Crackpot Inventions Show
01/01/2006 … If necessity is the mother of invention, you have to wonder just what need Joe Armstrong was trying to fill when he came up with the automatic arse-kicking machine.

Die Roten Punkte
01/01/2006 … It’s an odd beast, this musical parody of the White Stripes.

01/01/2006 … He takes to the stage in a Zorro mask and a phoney Spanish accent with his hair sculpted into a distinctive cockerel’s crest – and it isn’t long before he’s…

Rod Quantock's Australia!
01/01/2006 … Rod Quantock is an Australian institution, a veteran political troublemaker and the only comic to have performed at every one of the 20 Melbourne festivals.