Thu 21 September 2006

Jason John Whitehead – Original Review
21/09/2006 … This laid-back Canadian may project the insouciant demeanour of an unfocussed wastrel - but that’s just camouflage, allowing him to spin some very funny yarns…

Walliams takes on 007
Little Britain star to host Bond tribute
21/09/2006 … David Walliams is to front an hour-long ITV1 show about his passion for James Bond.
Wed 20 September 2006

A world apart...
20/09/2006 … Kevin Eldon, Ben Moor and Richard Herring are to star in a new sci-fi comedy on BBC7.

Craig's crack caution
20/09/2006 … Craig Charles has escaped a court hearing for crack-cocaine possession after admitting he used the drug.

Dyl or no Dyl?
Moran to star in BBC One pilot
20/09/2006 … Dylan Moran could be starring in a new prime-time BBC One sitcom.