Tue 21 November 2006

'Thanks for nothing'
Brand fans left fuming over free gig
21/11/2006 … Russell Brand fans have been left fuming after waiting for hours for a free, semi-secret gig – only to be turned away at the door.

Mark Maier – Original Review
21/11/2006 … Mark Maier is as understated as he is underrated; an experienced artisan of observational comedy who, with little fuss or hoopla, simply gets on with the task of…
Mon 20 November 2006

Seinfeld star: 'I'm no racist'
Richards apologises for outburst
20/11/2006 … Seinfeld star Michael Richards has made a stumbling, awkward apology on national TV after unleashing a racist tirade against black hecklers.

Fox bites back
Right-wing answer to The Daily Show
20/11/2006 … America’s Fox News network is planning a right-wing answer to the Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

Comic killed in Iraq
TV star assassinated in Baghdad
20/11/2006 … An Iraqi comedian has been assassinated in Baghdad today.