Fri 16 March 2007

The comedy cafe
16/03/2007 … Work has started on a new sitcom from Pulling creator Sharon Horgan.

The comedy version of United 93...
Chris Morris plans terrorism film
16/03/2007 … Chris Morris is set to court controversy again, with a new TV film about Islamic terrorism.

Dead wrong
GagSlag: The week's comedy trivia
16/03/2007 … As the old line goes: ‘Every morning I read the obituaries, and if I’m not in them, I get up.
Thu 15 March 2007

The future of comedy? Allo Allo
BBC looks back for inspiration
15/03/2007 … The BBC are looking back at such classic shows as 'Allo 'Allo! and Are You Being Served? to find inspiration for their next comedy hit.

Wed 14 March 2007

Watch the Chortle Awards
14/03/2007 … The 2007 Chortle Awards were handed out at the Soho Revue Bar in Central London on Tuesday night.