Wed 26 December 2007

Sun 23 December 2007

23/12/2007 … PETER BOWLES has revealed that he was originally offered the part of Jerry Leadbetter in The Good Life ahead of Paul Eddington, but turned it down.

'It took me four years to write a joke'
Victoria Wood on Desert Island Discs
23/12/2007 … Victoria Wood has admitted it took her four years to learn how to write a joke.
Sat 22 December 2007

22/12/2007 … JOHN MOLONEY, Pappy's Fun Club, Shappi Khorsandi, Josie Long and Wil Hodgson have been added to the list of Brits attending the 2008 Melbourne Comedy Festival.

Why men are funnier than women
... according to one scientist
22/12/2007 … Scientists have waded into an age-old debate and concluded that men are funnier than women.

Kay's Cash row
22/12/2007 … Peter Kay’s new TV show has reportedly been ditched, after a row with writer Craig Cash over money.

Brand stars in Morrissey video
22/12/2007 … Russell Brand is to star in the new video for his musical hero, Morrissey.
Fri 21 December 2007

Borat is dead
Baron Cohen says he won't return to the role
21/12/2007 … Sacha Baron Cohen says he will never play Borat again, now the character has become too popular to be convincing.