Madame With An E
01/01/2008 … It is difficult to explain how something so polished can be so mediocre.
01/01/2008 … It is difficult to explain how something so polished can be so mediocre.
01/01/2008 … Paul Parry has a bugbear with which pendants everywhere will identify: that the word ‘literally’ is used wrongly literally 28 per cent of the time.
01/01/2008 … With John Smith, you pretty much get two shows for the price of one – but unfortunately, neither really works; and they certainly don’t sit together will.
01/01/2008 … This Daniel Kitson’s poetic lament to a lost love; the love he had for a building, the one place he was ever happy to call home.
01/01/2008 … This youthful sketch show is a slapdash affair: inconsistently written and performed, and featuring some truly disappointing moments.
01/01/2008 … The word ‘Crazy’ in a show title always fills me with dread about the zaniness that may be about to meet me but Japanese Sit-Down Comedy is more bizarre than…
01/01/2008 … For all the attempts to reinvent it, ventriloquism is a fundamentally old-fashioned form of entertainment; and Jay Johnson is a fundamentally old-fashioned form…
01/01/2008 … I have known audiences to sneak out of shows, I have known acts to rant and storm off the stage, but never before have I known an act to sneak out of their own show…
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