Fri 15 May 2009

Harry Hill vs The BNP? Fight!
Dave Cohen recalls alternative comedy's finest hour
15/05/2009 … I’ve written a few pieces for this section of Chortle and the last thing I want is to become the Grand Old Bore and Ranter-In-Chief about ye goode olde dayze of…

I am such an arse...
Stephen Fry makes the Weekly Trivia File
15/05/2009 … Jack Dee: 'When you see a comedian on stage in jeans and a T-shirt it doesn't matter how good they are - it always looks like amateur hour when they walk on to the…

Carr's photo was legal
Police won't act against comic
15/05/2009 … The photograph Jimmy Carr apparently took from inside a court building was not illegal, police have said.

Sitcom Trials Final 2009
15/05/2009 … Sitcoms have been written off as a dying breed forever- – although no one would think to write off another genre, cop shows, say, in quite the same offhand way.
Thu 14 May 2009

'Witch' to exorcise cursed comedy club
Run of bad luck at lap-dance venue
14/05/2009 … A comedian has called in a ‘witch’ to exorcise his comedy club of the bad luck he says befalls its regular performers.

US scraps Ab Fab remake
Fox says 'no' after seeing pilot
14/05/2009 … Plans for an American remake of Absolutely Fabulous have been scrapped.