Mon 15 June 2009

The bootlegger who saved Hancock
Lost episodes to be released on CD
15/06/2009 … Six lost episodes of Hancock’s Half Hour, long destroyed by the BBC, have been recovered thanks to a fan who recorded the shows off the TV.

Comedy? America's gone to Iceland...
US imports another sitcom format
15/06/2009 … American TV executives hunting for the next hit sitcom have turned to an unlikely source: Iceland.

15/06/2009 … MATT LUCAS spoof fantasy Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Sword Of Fire attracted a healthy 2.

Geoff Boyz at Headliners, Chiswick
15/06/2009 … No one would describe veteran Scottish stand-up Geoff Boyz as a comic visionary, as his years in the ‘nuggets and nob gags’ party clubs have taught him to play…

Pierre Hollins at Headliners
15/06/2009 … The hugely experienced Pierre Hollins adopts an amiable ‘grumpy old man’ persona that fits him as comfortably as a moth-eaten overcoat.
Sun 14 June 2009

Now Bruno offends gay lobby
More flak for Sacha Baron Cohen
14/06/2009 … Sacha Baron Cohen has offended a new group of people: America's gay rights lobby.

Rare comedy films unearthed
Lost work by Milligan, Sellers and others...
14/06/2009 … A treasure trove of early film performances by comedians including Peter Sellers, Spike Milligan, Sid James and Ronnie Corbett have been unearthed in a London garage.